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Fina Posselli

Fina Posselli is ecstatic to be making her SLAC debut in THE WOLVES! She is in her second year of the University of Utah’s Actor Training Program (ATP). She was last seen as “Lorraine” in HINDSIGHT, an immersive walking play in downtown SLC produced by Sackerson, and before that was “Rosie” in CABARET at SLCC Black Box Theatre. She was an acting and technical apprentice for Lyric Repertory Company’s 2017 season, which included WAIT UNTIL DARK, BIG RIVER, THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE ABRIDGED, and THE FOREIGNER. She is thankful for the support of her ATP classmates, professors, and her family. She is a grateful recipient of this year’s Theatre Department Tuition Scholarship and the Desert Whale Productions, Inc Scholarship.