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January 25, 2024

White Rabbit Red Rabbit

Written by Joey
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White Rabbit Red Rabbit by Nassim Soleimanpour White Rabbit Red Rabbit by Nassim Soleimanpour

March 13th, 2024
SLAC's Making Space for Artists

Westminster University Theatre and the University of Utah College of Cultural and Social Transformation are co-producing White Rabbit Red Rabbit along with Aurora Nova at Salt Lake Acting Company, March 13th at 7pm. This production is part of SLAC’s Making Space for Artists program. Playwright Nassim Soleimanpour, forbidden to leave his home country of Iran, wrote this original play about his generation and their experience, to get his voice out into the world. A solo performer is given the script at the beginning of the performance. They turn the first page and begin the play, having never read, heard, or seen it before.The performer for this year’s Salt Lake City production of the play will be Representative Sandra Hollins. Refreshments will be served, and a talkback panel will be hosted after the performance.

Each year, White Rabbit Red Rabbit is performed by theatres around the world to commemorate March 13th, 2020, the day we entered quarantine as a society together. This year, in addition to the Salt Lake City performance, the show will be staged in countries ranging from the UK, Armenia, Singapore and the Ukraine, to name a few. The play, which pushes the boundaries of vulnerability, power, and compliance, premiered in 2011 at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and it has been translated into 300 languages since then.

Salt Lake Acting Company's Making Space for Artists Program was inspired by SLAC's spirit of collaboration and commitment to being a resource to our community. Through this program, artists are given access to SLAC's historic building, a trusted space with guidance and support from SLAC’s staff, the choice of two theatre spaces, technical equipment, and ticketing services. 

For more information, please contact Cynthia Fleming at  


The Westminster Performing Arts Center houses the Departments of Dance, Music, and Theatre at Westminster University in Salt Lake City. Running BA and BFA programs, the Westminster Performing Arts Center produces four dance shows, a concert series, and a full theatre season every academic year, September-May. Our focus is on student-driven educational outcomes through performance experience.

Please visit westminsteru.edu/tickets for more information.Connect with Westminster Performing Arts Instagram: @westminiperformingarts, @westminsterudanceFacebook: https://www.facebook.comWestminiPerformingArts

At the University of Utah School for Cultural and Social Transformation, we think widely, curiously, and rigorously through the perspectives of our four academic disciplines—ethnic studies, gender studies, disability studies, and Pacific Islands studies. We are leading, in Utah and nationally, an intersectional approach to social justice issues that are often at the forefront of public debate. Our goal is to enable our students to research, analyze and understand the cultures, histories and lived experiences of people and groups who have often been marginalized. Our students leave empowered to engage in real-world change.

Visit https://transform.utah.edu/ to learn more. Connect with the School for Cultural and Social Transformation Instragram: @UofUTransform Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uofutransform 

Aurora Nova is an international theatre booking agency and consultancy firm with over 30 years of experience producing/promoting cutting-edge performing arts. https://www.auroranova.org/

Read 3350 times Last modified on October 31, 2024