Wynter Storm is a performance and touring poet. A Queen of many crowns or hats..Wynter first and foremost is a Mother to their handsome baby boy Amias!! Wynter is the CEO and the Executive Director of Utah Black Artists Collective (UBLAC.) She has been a Poet, and published author since the age of eight; having her first poem published in second grade. Wynter made her debut in the 2018-19 Salt Lake City Slam Poetry Season and made the team in the same year. She toured with the team for the year sharing her words state to state. She creates poems about justice, healing, love, self love, queerness, and the power to overcome. Wynter is the 2021 UAF Indie Slam Champion She has been featured on Write About Now Poetry. She is the 2018 Ogden Pride Poetry Slam winner. And a member of the 2019 Salt Lake City Slam team where she went on to be a 2019 Salt Lake City Pride Finalist, 2019 Ogden Pride Finalist, a Rustbelt Team finalist; and a Southwest Shootout team finalist. She has a chapbook "A Glimpse Into Surviving Wynter's Storm". She recently published and released "Black Rainbow Layers". She is a featured artist in Beyond the Neon Anthology.